Saturday, November 15, 2008

A simple relaxation can lower cholesterol levels

Not only that, you fat cheeks and a little polnovataya waist. Now your doctor says that you and the blood fat! This is not exactly what he said, but could say so. When you have high cholesterol, blood circulates too soft, yellow, fat-related substances. If the surplus accumulates on the walls of arteries, it can zabit them and reduce blood flow, which can lead to heart attack, heart attack or angina. And no need to have a doctor's diploma to understand that this is a bad thing.
The most ridiculous is that not all cholesterol is harmful. Your body produces it naturally, and it performs some just so vital function: helping to build new cells, produces hormones, insulates nerves. The problem arises only when there is an excess of it.
Unfortunately, this substance is surrounded by much confusion. And this is not surprising if there is close to the meaning of the terms: food cholesterol, serum cholesterol, LVP-cholesterol and cholesterol-LNP. You might be difficult to distinguish between "good" from "bad" and harmful. Here's what to know not to mess.
Food cholesterol - is the one that is contained in food (mostly animal): one egg, for example, 275 mg; in the apple it does not. The American heart association recommends that you limit your daily admission to 300 mg. Serum cholesterol circulates in the blood, and doctors measure it using a special test. It is desirable that it was less than 200 mg.
LVP-cholesterol (high density lipoprotein) - a kind of serum cholesterol, which is considered "good" because of the ability to clean the artery: the higher its level, the better.
LNP-cholesterol (low density lipoprotein) - a "spiteful twin" LVP, which zabivaet artery. The lower its level, the better.
Here's what experts advise to lower serum cholesterol.
Keep an eye on weight. What better, the more your body produces cholesterol. Two decades of study in the Netherlands led to the conclusion that weight - the only major determining serum cholesterol component. Each increase in body weight at 0.5 kg improves cholesterol levels by 2 levels. A well-known study of heart Fremingemskoe found clear link between blood cholesterol and body mass.
So if you have excess weight - this is yet another reason to lose weight. "But do healthy way - warns Dr. Paul Lachans, professor of nutrition at the University of Ratchers, New Jersey. - Keep a diet composed of 2 / 3 of fruit and vegetables, oatmeal and whole grains. Only 1 / 3 of your calories to be worked out from the meat and dairy products, which are often rich in fats and high in calories. "
Reduce fat. "Three main factors affect the nutritional level of cholesterol in the blood - explains Dr. John La Rosa, chairman of the committee on nutrition ASA and director of the Center for the study of lipids in the Medical School at Georgetown University. Here they are, in order of importance:
- Saturated fats, raise cholesterol levels in blood;
- Polinasyschennye fat, decreases the level of cholesterol in the blood;
- Dietary cholesterol, which raises blood cholesterol level, to a lesser degree than saturated fat.
Hence, saturated fats, of course, have a significant impact on cholesterol levels. "
Dr. Donald McNamara, professor of nutrition at the University of Arizona, agrees with this: "Saturated fat 3 times harmful than dietary cholesterol." So it would be prudent to reduce consumption of saturated fat sources such as meat, butter, cheese and refined oil. When possible, replace such products, fish, poultry or dairy products nezhirnymi and polyunsaturated oils such as corn, sunflower and soy. "
Switch to olive oil. Olive oil and certain other products such as nuts, avocados, canola oil and peanut oil are high is another fat - mononenasyschennogo. Although earlier it was thought that mononenasyschennye oils have a significant effect on cholesterol levels now think that in reality they lower their levels.
The research of Dr. Scott M. Grande, dealing with cholesterol, have shown that diets rich in mononenasyshennymi fats, lowers levels of total cholesterol even more than the strict lean diet. Moreover, he was able to identify that mononenasyschennye fats reduces only LNP-cholesterol ( "bad") and LVP ( "good") left untouched.
So, keep nezhirnoy diet, then add 2-3 tablespoons olive oil (or an equivalent amount of other foods rich in fats mononenasyschennymi) - and so every day. Keep an eye to replace other fats mononenasyschennymi, rather than simply adding to them.
Do not eat many eggs. But that does not mean that you should not exclude them from your diet. Although eggs and a huge amount of cholesterol (275 mg each), Dr McNamara believes that about 2 / 3 of the population can cope with the additional food cholesterol, no feeling that raise serum cholesterol levels. This is because the body adapts to high levels of consumption, reducing its production of cholesterol and conclusions of the surplus. In one of his studies 50 patients sedali to 3 large eggs every day for 6 weeks. Less than a third of them were then high cholesterol.
If you want to eat the egg, however, avoid risk, reduce their consumption of up to 3 pieces per week. Because cholesterol is contained only in egg yolks, proteins you can eat freely, replace 1 egg 2 proteins, for example, bakes anything. A omelet, you can cook one egg and 2-4 proteins. In addition, some stores now sells eggs with low cholesterol (by 15-50% less than normal).
Nalegayte to beans. Nourishing and inexpensive, beans and other legumes contain soluble in water kletchatku called pectin, which surrounds the cholesterol and removes it from the body before they make balls ills. Numerous studies specialist in cholesterol and therapeutic feeding James W. Anderson, Dr. of medicine at the Medical College of the University of Kentucky, showed how effectively beans reduce cholesterol. During one experiment, men who sedali 1.5 cups of boiled beans a day, cholesterol decreased by 20% in just 3 weeks.
Dr. Anderson believes that most people would do well to add some 6 g of soluble fiber to your daily diet. A cup of beans is coming, and they do not have to worry that the beans you kibitzer, because there are a lot of varieties: sea beans, broad beans in the form of kidney, soy, black beans, etc., and the ability of lowering cholesterol are all legumes.
Eat more fruits. Fruits also have the ability to lower cholesterol because of the presence of pectin. Gastroenterologist James Cerda at the Center of Medical Sciences, University of Florida found that grapefruit pectin, which is in the flesh and skin, reduces cholesterol by an average of 7.6% for 8 weeks. Since the reduction of cholesterol by 1-2% reduces the possibility of a heart attack, Dr. Cerda believes that the effect is very significant. To reach the number of pectin, which is used by Dr. Cerda, you should eat about 2.5 cups dolek grapefruit a day. But if it is not something easy to swallow, he advises: "Eat a lot of other fruits. If, for example, sedite half grapefruit for breakfast, an apple for a second breakfast, several dolek orange for lunch, perhaps, will be able to significantly reduce cholesterol levels ".
Connect the oats. It seems like oat bran reduce serum cholesterol levels like pektinom rich fruits. Numerous studies, Dr. Anderson and other researchers have shown that oat bran in fact, as well as beans. To gain 6 g of soluble fiber per day, which recommends Dr. Anderson, you should eat polchashki ovsyanyh bran in the form of oatmeal or hot rolls, and. A study in California found that medical students who sedali to 2 rolls of ovsyanyh bran per day for 4 weeks, total serum cholesterol levels fell by 5.3%.
Although ovsyanyh otrubyah contains more soluble fiber, tolokno also may reduce cholesterol. According to a study conducted at the Medical School of Northwestern University, among people who added to their daily diet low in fat and cholesterol, 2 / 3 cup tolokna, cholesterol levels dropped more than those who merely followed a healthy diet.
Influenced by the results of these studies, scientists Ministry of Agriculture are studying the variety of oats, which will provide even higher levels of beta-glycane, an alleged fighter against cholesterol.
A bit of corn. In research dietitian Leslie Erl from Georgetown University Hospital, corn bran as effectively reduce cholesterol levels, as oat bran and beans. People with high cholesterol, trying to reduce it by means of diet and weight loss, sedali about 1 tablespoon corn bran for one meal (in soup or tomato soke). After 12 weeks, cholesterol levels have declined by 20%. "This low-cellulose is a much more thorough examination" - described in this paper.
Call to aid carrot. "Carrots also reduces cholesterol as a pectin - assures Peter D. Hoagland, Ph.D. East Research Center of the Ministry of Agriculture in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. - In fact, people with high cholesterol rather eat carrots 2 a day to reduce it by 10-20%. Perhaps this will be enough cholesterol for many people reached a safe value.
Incidentally, broccoli sprouts and onions also contain an ingredient that ensures the success of carrots (calcium peck-Tat), according to Dr. Hoaglanda.
Practice. Cardiologist from Rhode Island Paul D. Thompson, associate professor of medicine at Brown University, considers it possible that physical activity reduces accumulated in the arteries holesterinovuyu blockade. "One of the best ways to raise the level of protective LVP - assures it - is intense physical exercise, which also slightly reduce unwanted LNP. In addition, the exercises can improve the body's ability to cleanse the blood of fat after meals. If the fat is not delayed in the blood too long, it is less able to settle on the walls of arteries. We found that beguny able to clean up
his body fat from 75% faster than those who did not exercise. "So - go!
Eat beef, but within reasonable limits. This is a surprise! Red meat - scandalous known source of saturated fats, can be beneficial for the heart of the diet if it is, of course, Delivery, and all visible fat cut. British researchers set men with extremely high levels of cholesterol diet low in fat and high in fiber, which appear lean 200 g per day. The content of fat in the diet equal to 27% of total calories, far below 40%, which is currently absorbed by the majority of people in the United States. The level of cholesterol among these men has fallen to 18.5%.
The researchers concluded: "Provided that the content of fat in the diet will be significantly reduced, will be included in the Low-cholesterol diet small amount of meat products."
Skimmed milk will enhance your health. Aura Kilara, Ph.D., associate professor dietetics at the University of Pennsylvania, makes a suggestion: drink a lot of skim milk. In one of his experiments, the volunteers added to their daily diet 1 liter of milk fat. In the late 12 th week of those who have been elevated cholesterol, lowered it for about 8%. Dr. Kilara believes that the components of lean milk hinder education cholesterol in the liver.
Eat garlic. Researchers have long known that a large number of raw garlic can reduce the harmful fats in the blood. Unfortunately, the smell of raw garlic could reduce the number of your friends. Worse still, under the influence of heat treatment garlic loses its ability to lower cholesterol. But now in Japan made liquid garlic extract nearly odorless, entitled "Kio-face, which seems to reduce the level of fats in the blood.
When Dr. Benjamin Lau of Loma Linda University in California gave people with relatively high levels of cholesterol in the blood of 1 g of liquid garlic extract a day, cholesterol levels have fallen by an average of 44 units for 6 months.
Try this unusual seeds. The rich fiber seed psillium - the main ingredient metamutsina, means regulating the work of the bowel - also can reduce cholesterol levels. In the study, Dr. Anderson, men with high cholesterol take 1 teaspoon metamutsina dissolved in water, 3 times a day, and cholesterol levels have dropped by about 15% for 8 weeks.
Dr. Anderson believes that metamutsin and other products containing seed psillium could be good complementary medicines when diet alone can not reduce cholesterol levels.
Reduce consumption of coffee. A study by the Texas researchers Barry R. Davis, linked coffee consumption to increased cholesterol levels. Inspections of 9000 people during a nationwide program to study blood pressure, he discovered: the level of cholesterol was significantly higher among those who drank 2 cups of coffee a day or more.
Although his study was not revealed what ingredient in coffee causes this effect, the Finnish research showed that boiling coffee, perhaps, is part of the problem. Coffee, prepared by the method of filtering, does not increase cholesterol levels. In any case, caffeine, it would be logical to take for a reason, it seems, does not bring harm.
Do not smoke. This is another reason to quit. The study novoorleanskogo scientist, Dr. David S. Fridmona medicine at adolescent boys who smoked only 20 cigarettes a week, a significant increase in the level of cholesterol in the blood. In addition, the study found that smokers have low levels of good cholesterol-LVP. However, when a group of hardened smokers to quit, all rapidly and significantly increased the concentration of LVP.
So, relax! A simple relaxation can lower cholesterol levels, as demonstrated by a study conducted by Margaret A. Carson, nurse in New Hampshire. It found that cardiac patients who are on a diet low in cholesterol, which twice a day listening to "relaxation" tapes, showed a significant decrease in cholesterol than the group of patients who simply read for pleasure.