Friday, September 19, 2008

Bad cholesterol

Companies Merck & Co. Inc. and Schering-Plough Corp were jointly develop Zetia, which includes the active substance ezetimib. The new medicine can prevent the entry of cholesterol in cells of the body. Clinical trials have shown that the substance reduces the content of cholesterol by 18%. When using the same Zetii љв combination with other drugs called new drug can reduce the concentration of cholesterol even further to 18%.

Currently substances, decreases the concentration of cholesterol, causing the explosion of interest of researchers with great respect, the incidence of cardiovascular disease worldwide. Estimated that the market for such products is growing steadily and reached 7-9 billion U.S. dollars, and by 2007 the ninth year will reach 30 billion. Therefore, many the world's largest biotechnology companies have to unite together to put their products on the market. In the case of Zetiey, the drug was first примененљ company Schering-Plough Pharmaceuticals, together with Merck later efforts to co-margeking .

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Is Zetia has side effects? No.

What is cholesterol?

Cholesterol - zhiropodobnoe substance which is vital to humans. He is a member of the shells (membranes) of all cells, much cholesterol in nervous tissue, are formed from cholesterol many hormones.

At all of these needs formed cholesterol in the body more than enough. But people still consumes him with food, and often in fairly large quantities. In the main source of the substance are fatty animal products. If their lot in the diet, the cholesterol content in the blood increases, and he needed a friend's body turns into a deadly enemy.

What is Zetia and how does it lower cholesterol?
Zetia is one of the newer prescription cholesterol lowering drugs. Unlike the more common cholesterol medications called statins which block the enzyme your liver needs to produce cholesterol, Zetia works to reduce the absorption of cholesterol in the digestive tract.

How to lower cholesterol levels?

But the level of cholesterol in the blood can be reduced. To do this, try to change their way of life: more head, abstain from smoking, improve nutrition.

The basis of all diets to reduce cholesterol - lowering consumption of animal fats (fatty meat, offal, butter, fatty dairy products, fatty varieties of cheese, Butter cookies baking, etc.). Replace most of the animal fats vegetable oils: sunflower, olive, corn. Of the soft margarines choose only class (in jars, not in boxes). In moderate (small) number of permitted dairy products with reduced fat, fat cheese (no more than 30% fat), lean, vegetable fats for baking or soft margarine, fried fish, fried in vegetable fats only potatoes.

Eggs are allowed to drink only boiled form and not more than 2 per week.

More often use in their diet products with reduced fat and cholesterol: bread from flour ill sausages, all meals, pasta, skimmed milk products, all kinds of vegetable dishes and fruit.

Of the meat products to be preferred chicken, turkey, veal.

Delete fat and skin from poultry before cooking it. Increase consumption of fish, especially sea can be, entering two fish of the day in a week or one fish dishes every day.

Preferring desserts without fat, without cream and sugar, is best - fruit.

Pay special attention to the regular consumption of products that reduce cholesterol levels in the body and increases its withdrawal. They contain soluble ornamental and form a jelly-like when cooking a lot. This oatmeal flakes (Herculean), apples, plums, various berries. Regularly use pulses products (beans, peas).

When cooking, avoid zharit on oil, cook more often, ink, bake. Use dishes with a special coating, which does not require adding fat in cooking.

Careful compliance with such diets can reduce blood cholesterol by 10-12%.

If compliance with the diet over 6-8 weeks will not lead to the desired reduction in total blood cholesterol (less than 5 mmol / L), and the risk of diseases caused by atherosclerosis, remains high, the doctor will put the question on the appointment of drugs that reduce cholesterol. There are now many drugs. But the main thing - not to engage in self, naslushavshis advertisements on the miraculous and safe food additives. Of the food additives can act only those that contain well-known components of food, impact on cholesterol, for example, drugs soluble fibre. But their effectiveness is not higher than well-established diet, they only help its action.

Of the medications used to lower blood cholesterol, doctors often designate statins. These doses of conventional medicines to reduce cholesterol by 20-40%. But the most important thing that attracts doctors to the appointment of statins - this would be carried out scientific research. They have shown that statins not only reduce blood cholesterol, but also make it easier during the diseases caused by atherosclerosis, reduce mortality from cardiovascular disease and overall mortality. With the help of special research vessels of heart has been shown that treatment slows the growth of statins atherosclerotic plaques and even vyzyvet their decline.

Cardiologists around the world have expressed the concern that everyone over 20 years of age should know their cholesterol levels, ie do the necessary analysis of blood. If elevated cholesterol - it is dangerous, as a contribution to the development of atherosclerosis and severe cardiovascular disease.

Regularity and punctuality are the keywords. Generally, it can be said that, Zetia is taken with a full glass of water, once a day with or without food. If you are on bile acid sequestrant such as Cholestyramine (Locholest, Prevalite, Questran), colestipol (Colestid), or colesevelam (Welchol), take Zetia 2 hours before or 4 hours after taking the acid sequestrant. While you are on Zetia mediaction, take food low on cholesterol. Do not ignore taking medical tests if your doctor asks for.

Buy ZETIA through Online Pharmacy Escrow Service or at any Canada Pharmacy selling Online Prescriptions.